Unbeatable Registered Agent Service with Epik

Starting a business is an exciting adventure, and at Epik, we’re dedicated to smoothing the path for you. That’s why we’re thrilled to introduce our registered agent service, in partnership with Registered Agents Inc! With us, you can simplify administrative hassles and focus on what matters most—growing your business.

What is a registered agent?

Think of a registered agent as your business’s point person for handling important paperwork. Also known as a statutory agent, resident agent, or agent for service of process (SOP), this key player is tasked with receiving legal actions like subpoenas, lawsuits, and court documents, as well as other official notices from the Secretary of State on your behalf.

As the communication liaison between your business and the state, a reliable registered agent ensures that you stay in the loop regarding tax payments, lawsuits, or judgments that could impact your business.

Why are registered agents required?

It’s not just nice to have—it’s a must-have for any formal business entity like an LLC or corporation. Every state in the US mandates that businesses maintain a registered agent. This ensures that your business can always be reached with critical legal and compliance documents.

While you can legally act as your own registered agent, it’s not always the best or simplest solution. Sure it may save you a few bucks, but being your own agent requires a great deal of time and availability that can detract from focusing on your business operations.

Also, acting as your own agent means your name and address will appear in state public records. This lack of privacy can leave you exposed to unwanted solicitations, spam, and a higher risk of your personal info being accessed by the public.

What does a registered agent do?

Expect your registered agent to:

  • Maintain a physical location within your state for accepting certified mail
  • Keep regular business hours
  • Accept service of process and official mail on your behalf
  • Promptly notify and forward documents to you

The perks of having a registered agent—why you want one

  • Legal compliance and good standing. A registered agent helps ensure that your business meets state requirements, avoiding penalties or legal issues that could arise from missed deadlines or non-compliance.
  • Privacy and security. Using a registered agent service keeps your personal address off public records, enhancing your privacy and protecting against spam or unwanted solicitations. This is huge!
  • Peace of mind. With a registered agent, you can focus more on running your business, knowing that someone reliable is managing critical time-sensitive documents.

What sets our service apart from competitors?

Our collaboration with Registered Agents Inc. offers you:

  • National coverage. We cover all 50 states, ensuring compliance from Texas to Tennessee. In D.C. or Puerto Rico? We’ve got you, too.
  • Expertise and reliability. Benefit from years of experience and a deep understanding of state-specific regulations and requirements. You’re getting a team that’s at the top of our game in legal and compliance know-how.
  • Integrated services. Managing your domain, website, and registered agent services all in one place simplifies your workload, making life easier.

Who is Registered Agents Inc.?

Registered Agents Inc. serves as the foundation for over 200 top registered agent services worldwide. They support a vast network of small businesses, law firms, and incorporation services, ensuring tens of thousands of entrepreneurs like you have the registered agent solutions they need.

What really sets them apart? A strong commitment to the privacy and security of your data—values we share deeply at here at Epik. By joining forces, we’re expertly equipped to assist you in maintaining your business entity and boosting your online presence, keeping your personal and business information safe every step of the way.

What’s included with our registered agent service?

With Epik, you’ll enjoy:

  • Professional handling of all legal and tax documents
  • Secure, always-available online access to your important documents
  • Same-day mail scans and free unlimited mail forwarding
  • Timely compliance alerts to keep your business in good standing
  • Customization tailored to your business’s needs
  • Friendly support from our team of pros whenever you need it

And when you choose us to form your company, we include one year of registered agent service at no additional cost! After the first year, the service will automatically renew at just $125 annually.

Ready to team up with Epik?

Joining forces with us means you’re laying a strong foundation for your business right from the very start. Whether it’s securing a domain name or appointing a registered agent, you’re setting yourself up for success.

Let us take care of the formalities so you can focus on bringing your vision to life!


A registered agent is a person or entity designated to receive official legal and tax documents on behalf of a business. This includes service of process, important government notifications, and compliance-related documents. A registered agent is required by law for registered business entities like LLCs and corporations.

Yes, you can serve as your own registered agent if you have a physical address (not a P.O. box) in the state where your business operates. You must be available during all regular business hours. However, using a professional registered agent service can free up your time and offer additional privacy and reliability.

Service of process (SOP) is the delivery of a legal notice (such as a jury summons or subpoena) to an individual or a business. These notices require a timely response and a specific action from the recipient—such as producing documents, ceasing an activity, or appearing in court.

Consider reliability, privacy, professionalism, and the ability to efficiently handle and forward important documents. Also, make sure the agent you choose has a good reputation and is familiar with state legal and compliance requirements.

Costs vary depending on the state and the services provided. Generally, professional registered agent services are affordable and offer different service packages to meet needs and budgets.

It’s best to appoint a registered agent at the time of forming your business or registering the business entity, such as your LLC or corporation. Most states won’t recognize or approve your business’s formation if you have not yet designated a registered agent.

Failing to maintain a registered agent can lead to serious consequences, including the potential for your business to be in bad standing with the state. This can result in fines, penalties, or even the dissolution of your business. It’s smart to appoint a professional registered agent.